When We Grieved...

Thea was home sick with a fever when I first learned about Sammy’s death. I was making pumpkin pancakes hoping that extra carbs might give Thea a boost as her body fought the latest sickness going around. I picked up my phone when it beeped and saw a text from my sister-in-law that said “OMG Sammy! What happened?” I ran to check our Facebook group with a growing sense of dread. I scanned the posts until I found the announcement that Sammy had passed away in the night. I was in shock. Sammy was the first tango2 child that we found in the world. He brought so much joy and hope to our family. How could he be gone? In a flash, I feel small and alone. Our children are sick and there is nothing I can do about it. I can’t stop it from happening. Sammy Another tango2 mom and I message back and forth throughout the morning. Her thoughts and texts bring me some comfort. I...