
Showing posts from September, 2018

when I met the mito moms

After leaving the hospital with Thea’s diagnosis looming on the horizon, our friends and family wanted to support us.   We didn’t know how to direct their support, until a friend mentioned that she knew someone who had a child with mitochondria disease and they did a walk each year to raise money for research.   We signed up for the walk and asked our friends and family to do the same.   Soon Team Thea had hundreds of walkers and donators all showing their support.   Words cannot express how much this lifted the burden of our fears and doubts.   Instead of dwelling on the unknown, we were cheering each time Team Thea got another donation, another walker, and another demonstration of love and support.      Thea and a friend at the UCSD Mito Research Fund Walk I met the woman who organized the walk in the weeks following the event. We immediately fell into conversation easily.   I found so much to share with her....

When I Learned to Trust My Instincts...

I first began to suspect something was different about Thea when I started to take her to daycare.   She just seemed less active, less aware, and more babyish than the other toddlers.   She wasn’t walking at 18 months.   I heard so many reassuring stories about kids walking late and it turning out fine but something still didn’t quite feel right.   I remember walking into daycare and one of the moms asking her daughter if she needed to go potty before she left.   I was shocked.   Thea was not even able to communicate with me let alone start potty training.   I asked the teacher about it and she said that the child was just an early learner.   I smiled at the teacher, thanked her, and sat in my car.   As soon as I closed the door, I began sobbing.   Around this time, Thea also began laying down with her ear to the floor.   My husband and I studied her as she lay there.   We thought maybe she had an ear inf...

When I started yoga

About six years ago, before Thea was born, I started doing yoga regularly.   I had always been a runner but running all of the time was starting to hurt my knees and I needed an alternative.   I began going to a yoga studio near my home but all of those years of tightening my body through miles of running made stretching very difficult.   I was nowhere near touching my toes.   Fast forward to 2018, and I wish this was the part of the story where I tell you that now I am amazing in yoga class- that I can get into all kinds of crazy twisty positions but that’s not the case.   I’m really bad at yoga…still. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve made progress.   My toes are now reachable and I’m pretty proud of my headstand but yoga is still a struggle.   Why do I deal with this struggle?   Because I’ve never done anything that made my body and my mind feel so good.   I learned how to really relax in yoga class.   When I tried my first hot yoga class, ...

When I learned from other families

After our daughter’s diagnosis, of tango2 mitochondrial disease we were left with so many questions.   We were still wrapping our heads around the diagnosis and each day was more exhausting than the next as the information slowly sank in.   Our neuro-metabolics doctor recommended that we attend a mitochondria disease conference in Washington that summer.   Several doctors would explain the disease and we could meet them and learn more.   Attending the conference, we expected to learn a lot from the doctors, but we didn’t anticipate how much more we would learn from the families experiencing mitochondria disease.   There was so much kindness in the room.   Each family shared their stories and their invaluable tips for day to day life.    UMDF conference in Washington We kept running into one large family in particular with several older children and a baby.   The mother was especially warm.   The tiny sweet baby in her arms ...