Coping as a Rare Disease Mom
Once a parent from our support group posted about her day. It was full of battling with her insurance company, driving to therapies, and a daughter who wasn’t feeling well. “Does this get any better?” She asked in frustration. Her question stayed with me for days afterward because I could picture exactly how her day was going. I am very familiar with days like that. I wanted to reassure her but when I tried to envision a time when life would be easier, my experience with life so far told a different story. Sometimes my life gets easier and sometimes it gets harder, a lot harder. There was a time when I thought college was hard, and now I look back at those carefree college years with envy... I don’t think there is ever a life free of difficulty, but I also don’t think the bad days last forever. Some days gratitude and joy come easy and some days they just don’t. I was talking to another mom at Th...