When summer finally arrived...

We met our new neighbors a couple of weeks ago. They stopped by to introduce themselves, bringing oranges and fresh avocados from their son’s tree. We cover the basics in our introduction. I’m a teacher and my husband is an electrical engineer. We have a daughter, Thea, and Delilah, our dog, is already licking them and begging for attention. I like them immediately and can tell that they will be good neighbors. We mention that we will be out of town the next week, flying to Houston. It seems like a good idea to let our neighbors know. They ask what we are planning on doing during our trip there. Tyson and I pause for a beat. We are going to a medical conference, I say. I see the question in their eyes. Hadn’t I just said that we were a teacher and an engineer? Why would we go to a medical conference? However, they politely don’t ask any more questions. I feel a smal...